Google+ The Nostalgic Nightingale: Autumn Crafting: Glass Clings: Spider Webs & Critters

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Autumn Crafting: Glass Clings: Spider Webs & Critters

Here's another decoration idea DH and I decided to do this Halloween - glass cling spider webs! These webs are easy enough to make and look really awesome when displayed. I actually found this craft in the October 2013 issue of Parent magazine and it was featured today on Facebook by

For these glass cling spider webs we really didn't need a lot of supplies. We did end up using some other colored dimensional fabric paint (non puffy), but I have yet to see a difference in the two types of webs.

To begin, I downloaded & printed the web template from (you may need an account to access the link), slipped the template into a smooth page protector, then thickly traced the lines using fabric paint and let it dry over night. The next morning I put the page protector in the freezer for 25 minutes and when I pulled it back out, the web peeled off with ease.

Then I stuck the web to the glass door of my crafting shelf.

DH put one on the mirror in the bathroom.

Another web went on the living room window.
(DH photo bombed this as he was coming home, see the white Buick?)

You don't have to just make spider webs, try making a bat or witch's broom! I started to doodle some critters to go with our webs. Don't just use these in the house, place some on the interior windows of the car for a spooky special decal; and also today I read that these homemade glass clings will stick to pumpkins and gourds too!

What's your favorite Halloween image?

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