Google+ The Nostalgic Nightingale: Starting Off with a Sickness

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Starting Off with a Sickness

After having most, or at least some, of the basics for my blog complete I was really wanting to start off with all sorts of fun entries and printables but I have come to realize I'm simply not that gathered yet. I had all these awesome ideas for this first entry (home management binder, holiday crafts, monthly menu, diy decor and such) but I did not consider how the seasons changing would make me ill causing me to stay in bed, away from the computer. And with that knowledge, I could either wait to sit at the computer to blog or just jump right in and blog from my cell phone. So to begin this blog I thought I may as well start with something real that most can relate to: being sick from the cold or flu.

The other day DH was telling me how he was congested, had headaches, and an upset stomach. He, like most others, grabbed for the commercial over the counter medicines to treat those symptoms. After taking some medicine he went about his day running errands and going off to work. By the time he came home, not only was he still suffering from the symptoms previously mentioned but also he seemed sluggish, not all there. We went to bed earlier than usual that night hoping to get more rest than the nights before but it was to no avail as with the following morning both of us were sick.

For breakfast that morning we made chicken noodle soup and drank water or hot tea with lemon and honey. It seemed to help DH a bit but didn't do much for me. After eating breakfast, I went to lay down while DH got ready for work. I wasn't feel well as my sinuses were still stopped up and stomach was still upset; and DH wasn't in tip top shape but well enough to go to work. The rest of the day I didn't work on anything too strenuous. I completed little tasks significant enough to make an instant difference and to keep my mind off of my upset stomach: clipped coupons, sorted papers, gathered laundry, and even organized one of the cupboards in the kitchen. Throughout that time I felt alright, only a little stuffy. Later that night when DH came home he was feeling just as bad as before he went to work. I then suggested that we try using essential oils in the diffuser I had stored away. He agreed we should try it and after looking up a few things in my go to home remedy books and websites I settled on peppermint laced with eucalyptus. I added 3 drops peppermint with 1 drop eucalyptus to the glass bowl then set the light on a low setting. Soon the room was filled with the refreshing calming scent which allowed our sinuses to open letting us breathe a bit better. We found this to be an effective method of congestion relief. I didn't need much else to help relieve my symptoms but DH on the other hand still took some over the counter medicines, a breathe right strip, a hot shower, and used our trial batch of homemade congestion rub (recipe to come) before he was able to sleep.

Which brings us to today. This morning I awoke feeling nauseated and congested; DH wasn't as feeling as bad as me but he was so drowsy he went back to sleep. Not 45 minutes later was my suspicion confirmed when I rushed to the bathroom to vomit. I was sick. I had finally caught what DH had brought home. During my episode in the bathroom DH woke up and began another pot of chicken noodle soup which we enjoyed shortly after with a few cups of hot earl grey tea with honey and milk. The meal helped a bit but it also made me sleepy again; so in the middle of the day I went back to sleep while DH ran a few errands and took care of a few chores. I awoke 15 minutes before DH left for work still feeling unbelievably down with the congestion, upset stomach, changes in body temperature, and sneezing. Before DH departed he finally suggested I take one of the over the counter medicines he had been taking and I agreed that it may be for the best. I took one pill with a drink then DH went off to work. Maybe 10 minutes had past when I began to experience intense cramping pains in my stomach and my body temperature shot up causing me to sweat. I called DH letting him know what happened and asked if he could bring by some orange juice. By the time DH arrived back home the medicine he gave me had fully kicked in, the cramps and fever had subsided for the most part, I had already refilled the diffuser with the peppermint eucalyptus essential oil blend, and was sipping on cold water. DH filled my glass with orange juice then handed me a surprise: chocolate chip cookies! I have only been able to eat one so far but don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to finish them all. *winks* Since DH stopped by I have been drinking the orange juice and relaxing: watching movies and reading up on all sorts of home remedies to kiss this cold goodbye.

I have also began a shopping list for a few of the things I'll need to whip up some of those remedies. I do want to share the shopping list, remedies, and my opinions of the remedies with you but that may have to be an entry for tomorrow as I'm feeling much too tired. For tonight I think we'll just keep using the essential oil blend in the diffuser, and our homemade congestion relief rub, eating hot soup with crackers or bread, and drinking cold water and orange juice and hot tea with lemon and honey.

I'm curious, what is your favorite "I'm sick!" dish?

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