Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Crafting: Mini Easter Baskets

Hey everyone,

I want to show you guys the miniture Easter baskets I made for my family & friends this year. They were super easy to assemble and stress free, which was perfect because I didn't really plan on doing anything gift wise this Easter. Ready to see 'em? Well keep scrolling!

Nifty aren't they?! I was able to score the little cardboard boxes for free at my local liquor stores while gathering bigger boxes for my donations. The smallers boxes were tucked away and almost went in the trash, thank Odin DH saved them! Almost all of the baskets contain the same products to make it inexpensive and quick to put together. One basket had different fillers specifically chosen for my special needs cousin. For the fillers I used glittery pencils, facial tissue pocket packs, and little toys called Bonka Zonks; and for my cousin I used 4 pairs of sporty printed socks and a boucy light up ball. I also made some handsewn chicks in half shells as the mass; and since it's Easter I used cheap-o plastic grass for bedding. I'll post a tutorial for the felt chicks soon. I already had the chick supplies on hand and I took a few days to make a dozen of them but it really only takes an hour or so.

To explain it a bit more: the total cost to make all 12 of these mini Easter baskets came out to $23.00 (excluding the sporty socks {$4.00} and bouncy light up ball {$3.00}). I picked up all of these filler items at my local Dollar Tree; and the Easter grass, plastic eggs, and filler options for my special needs cousin were snagged from the local Dollar General. The pencils and the travel tissues came 12 and 6 singles per package, respectively, perfect to use as uniform fillers. The Bonka Zonks came four per pack and while I could have divided that and giving each person two, it allowed for much more fun giving everyone four. The eggs came in packages of six for $1.00 per package and the grass was only 50¢ per bag. Of course the cost could have been lower if I had reused plastic eggs and grass from last year (we couldn't find them) or recycled shredded paper as the basket bedding. Minus the eggs and grass prices, it only cost $15.00 to make 12 baskets! I say you can't get much better than that for a last minute gift!

Tell us the gifts you made for Easter this year, share the link or leave a comment below!

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