Saturday, May 17, 2014

Beauty: DIY Oil Blotting Sheets - Powder Free

When I was back in high school, about 10 years ago, I had extremely oily skin. I remember using loose powders, pressed powders, a special oily & acne prone skin routine (similar to the pro active products but mine contained over 6 products to use daily/nightly), and the ever so popular oil blotting sheets. I honestly cannot tell you the amount of money I've spent on oil blotting sheets alone, but I assure you it was all unnecessary. (Wait, what did I just read?) Yep, completely unnecessary because there's a much less expensive alternative that works fairly well but the awesomeness lies in this: it can be customized! See my wicked oil blotting sheets in the picture right below? Well keep reading for super simple instructions on how I made these lovelies!

What I used:
~ gifting tissue paper in multiple colors
~ scissors
~ pencil
~ small container
~ paperweight (not pictured)

What I Did:
1) First I cut three sheets of gifting tissue paper into 16 squares per sheet.
2) Next I folded the squares in half and pressed them using a paperweight.
3) Then I traced half the shape of my container onto the folded tissue paper using the pencil very gently.
4) With the scissors, I cut out the heart shapes and opened them to the whole heart.
5) Finally I layered the hearts in my container with the center fold in the hearts pointing face up. I did this because it's a little bit easier for me to pick up only one blotting at a time by the peaks.

It's honestly that simple and inexpensive to make these customized powder free oil blotting sheets. For my container, I used a movie themed heart shaped tin I recent picked up from McDonalds. This small container is wonderful as it fits perfectly in the palm of my hand and already has cool graphic on the lid. And there are lots of other things that can be used as a case, such as: soap containers, candy tins, empty cosmetic compacts, plastic card cases, the list could go on forever.

Also these oil blotting sheets are powder free, which is great for make up wearers and those with sensitive skin because there is no additional product going on the skin that may cause irritation and/or cloud cosmetics. I do want to mention though that I am in the process of creating a powdered version of these oil blotting sheet so be sure to check back for that post. I'm also contemplating uploading another post soon with before and after pictures comparing this diy version verses one of the commercial packages. Let me know down in the comments if you would be interested in that post. Well I think that's all for this post, thank for stopping by!

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