Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cleaning: Homemade Any Room Cleaner

In the midst of cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, I went through two bottles of cleaner! I did manage to finish todays cleaning with only distilled white vinegar but I really do love this homemade any room cleaner formula because I can switch up the scent with each batch.

What I Used:
Distilled Water
Distilled White Vinegar
Essential Oils, optional

What I Did:
1) Using equal parts distilled water and distilled white vinegar, I combined the ingredients in a designated glass container.
2) Added approximately 10 drops of essential oil per 1 cup of any room cleaner, if desired.
3) Secured the lid tightly then shook the bottle to ensure dilution.

Usage & Notes:
~ Shake the cleaning solution before each use to recombine all of the ingredients.
~ Apply the cleaning solution to a clean dry cloth then use as a disinfecting wipe.
~ Spray the cleaning solution directly on the soiled surface then wipe with a clean dry cloth.
~ Avoid using this cleaning solution on wood or aluminum as the vinegar may cause damage.

For my bottle of Any Room Cleaner pictured above, it took 4 cups of cleaning solution so added approximately 40 drops of essential oils. I recycled an old dark blue glass sky vodka bottle as a spray bottle since it's not recommended to store essential oil solutions in plastic containers. Well that's basically it. Later I'll do a post for you guys of the different essential oil blends I use for this particular cleaner so stay tuned for that!

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