Saturday, July 12, 2014

Shopping: OSU OKC Farmers Market Haul 7.12.14

I can not express how excited I am to share with you guys this weekends OSU OKC Farmers Market shopping trip! We actually made it in time to taste some goodies from the different food vendors/trucks in the parking lot as a sort of brunch surprise! I wasn't able to get many pictures but I'll gladly show you guys (and ramble about) the photos we did take. ;) Let's begin!

We started off the trip by visiting the Crepe Brewers food truck. DH tasted an altered verison of the white raspberry crepe, they were out of the raspberry so they used banana as a substitution. The Crepe Brewers are a local traveling company that sells a variety (including what I'll call "exotic" flavors) of freshly made crepes and coffee. Here, take a look at their menu board DH ordered from today.

Interesting, isn't? Well I have to tell you guys that I didn't taste any of them, I dislike the texture of crepes. I may have to give them another try after DH bragged all day long about how delicious these ones were.

As soon as DH finished his brunch we shuffled through the crowd to head inside where we visited a few vendors. First we stopped at Bling on a String's jewelry filled booth that I'd been wanting to check out for some time now. There was an array of handmade earrings, necklaces, and brooches that I would love to buy if I could afford it. I ended up purchasing a simple leather necklace with a rock pendent for $5.00. (After I got home and tried on the necklace a few times, one of the clasps came off so I changed out both clasps and added a few pendents I'd made. So here are two pictures so you guys can kind of see the difference of the additional pendents.)

Next we visited another new to us booth (of course, I forgot to grab a business card) and I fancied over the reusable microwave steam bags priced at $12.00 but ended up purchasing a lip soother (balm) for $3.00. I've already used the lip soother and I must say, I love it and may even use it as a stocking stuff this year for the holidays!

Then we made our way to Organic Gardend booth where I spotted a two for one sale and bought two dill plants for a total of $1.75!

The plants from Organic Gardens fit perfectly on my long plastic "entertainment" plate and have a home on our bedroom window sill.

After leaving that booth, we left the building to checked out Katiebug's Shaved Ice (another food truck) selling different types of snow cones made with 100% natural ingredients, 100% organic cane sugar in the syrups, and fresh local produce! There was only one size of cup available to purchase at $3.00 each but boy were there a lot of yummy looking flavors available! I purchased the blackberry and lavendar flavor but I would have love to taste the lime and sea salt flavor. Here's a photo of the amazing snow cone I gobbled up.

DH also went back to the Crepe Brewers truck because I conviced him to go ahead and have another one, after all he does so much for me and I absolutely love him! So after little argument, DH bought the Lite & Local crepe.

DH inhaled it before I could get a photo but I guess that just shows how tasty it was!

To summarize this trip, it was great! The food vendors and booth staff were friendly and everyone seemed to have a good time.

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