Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holidays: My 24th Birthday

Hey everyone, I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys. I've been extremely busy the past month or so with a lot of things but I did want to share what I did this year for my 24th birthday!

When I awoke, DH had surprised me with a Tinkerbell balloon and bought glazed donut holes from Dunkin Donuts along with a coffee from the local gas station for breakfast for me. While eating breakfast, I played around on the computer for a bit, checking emails and what have you then DH and I went to visit an old friend for a for hours, watched some anime and had a fun relaxing time. 

Later that evening DH and I headed back home to continue celebrating my birthday with my mother in law and aunt by having a wii bowling party at our new house with pizza, soda pop, and even ice cream cake with candles and all! It was such fun to play bowling on the wii with my mother in law and aunt; it was their first time playing anything on the wii console and they were actually pretty good at it! I'll have to get pictures next time they come over and play the wii. I was excited to receive a house phone from my mother in law, and very grateful for the gift card from my aunt. (I cannot tell you guys how helpful both of those gifts have been to not only myself but DH too.)

With all of that excitement you'd think my birthday celebrating was over but no, it was not. After my mother in law and aunt left for the evening, DH and I drove back over to our friends house where we watched more anime and had good conversations until the early morning hours of the next day.

I must say, this was one of the best birthday celebration's I've ever had. 

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